Neptune in Houses


                                     Neptune in the Astrological Houses

Neptune in the 1st House

You're like a mirror for other people. You unconsciously reflect others' traits back to them. There is a changeable quality to the energies you send out. Other people find it nearly impossible to get a solid feel for whom you really are as a certain amount of illusion surrounds your personality.

Neptune in the 2nd House

More than most you should approach anything that deals with finances with wide-open eyes. Be on guard for impractical moneymaking schemes. Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Neptune in the 3rd House

You're "psychic" and highly imaginative. Did you spend a lot of time staring out of the classroom window? Probably. You're not tuned into the same wave length as other people and you may develop insecurities about your mental abilities.

Neptune in the 4th House

Something about your upbringing lacked solidity and you could have an idealistic or unrealistic view of one or both parents. Often with this placement the home environment is more creatively inspired than one that is traditionally picture perfect.

Neptune in the 5th House

You have a flair for creating drama and glamour. The dating scene and other activities that fall into the "love affair" category are often approached with unrealistic expectations and when reality visits you can end up feeling disillusioned.

Neptune in the 6th House

You'll have to actively cultivate your ability to deal with details and other routine daily activities. You'll have to develop a "thicker skin" in order to survive some of the situations you might encounter in the workplace.

Neptune in the 7th House

You'll be happier and lessen the chance of letdowns in the partnership area if you learn to see people the way they really are rather than the way you'd like them to be. Then, you are more likely to pull in people whom you can rely on. You're capable of making great sacrifices for the sake of partnerships.

Neptune in the 8th House

At the very least, you have excellent powers of intuition that can border on being genuinely psychic. The things that you visualize can change your life. If financial dealings arise concerning taxes, shared resources and inheritance, be sure that everything is kept aboveboard.

Neptune in the 9th House

More than likely, your religious beliefs encompass a philosophy that is more universal in nature than traditional orthodox dogmas. Your mind is ever searching for answers to the true nature of God and the workings of the universe.

Neptune in the 10th House

You'll experience career confusion at some point in life.
You may be attracted to a career in the arts. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that you present a clear picture of yourself and your abilities to superiors.

Neptune in the 11th House

Life experiences will encourage you to learn how to draw some boundaries where friendships are concerned. When it comes to peer group associations you only want to see the best and you are therefore open to some disappointments when the glamour fades.

Neptune in the 12th House

You have a soft spot inside for the underdog and you can easily empathize with the suffering of your fellow man. You avoid unpleasant realities by tuning them out. Mind altering substances are best avoided.

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