Gemini Astrology May 21 - June 20

The Twins

Modality: Mutable
Element: Air
Ruler: Mercury
Season: Spring
3rd Sign of Zodiac Metal: Mercury
Stone: Agate
Color: Yellow
 Hands and arms; lungs.

Gemini Strength Keywords:
- Energetic
- Clever
- Imaginative
- Witty
- Adaptable

Gemini Weakness Keywords:
- Superficial
- Impulsive
- Restless
- Devious
- Indecisive

Gemini and Independence:

Gemini are extremely independent. They will not be pinned down by anyone or any rules. They need to experience the world on their own. Change and freedom are extremely important to Gemini, they will never let anyone dictate them, they are extremely independent and freedom is essential to their mental well being.

Gemini and Friendship:

Gemini make very interesting and exciting friends. They like to leave their mark on everyone they meet. They are very flighty and will disappear for a long time as they meet new friends and explore new places. But when they come back, they will have new thoughts, opinions and interesting things to share and ideas to teach. Life is very interesting and fun with a Gemini friend. If you need any advice, Gemini is the one to ask. They are masters of communication and they can help you get what you need by helping you with persuasion and enthusiasm, and they give good advice too. Do not however, bog a Gemini down with all of your emotional problems, they are not want to deal with it because it depresses them and steps on their freedom if you need too much long term help, support and follow up. A Gemini friend can fill you in with the latest gossip and if you love conversation, the Gemini delivers! They are very generous with their friends, they will spend lots of time with you and share everything with you. Even though Gemini is a social butterfly, they always need time for themselves and that should be respected.

Gemini and Business:

Gemini tends to disperse their energy on different tasks and not just focus on one thing thus leaving a trail of unfinished projects in their wake. If they were to focus their energy in one place, their cleverness and intelligence would allow them to complete their project with success and creativity. Gemini makes an excellent manager, they can motivate a team with their enthusiasm and vitality. They also make excellent salespeople because their ease of communication allows them to be clever and make a comeback to anything a person says. They can persuade and manipulate very well. They can easily justify any move they make and explain any action.

Gemini Temperament:

Gemini have the ability to react instantly to situations, and as a result, they have a very nervous temperament. They can be compared to a wound up spring as they attempt to absorb everything they can about their surroundings at once. The fact that they enjoy various situations and people add to their nervousness and that means they are almost constantly wound up. However, if they experience boredom and have nothing to survey, they get the same emotions, the need for excitement and variety. This is the Gemini duality, constantly conflicting emotions in one spontaneous, excitable package.

Gemini Deep Inside:

One downfall of Gemini is their superficiality. Instead of looking deep into a person's real qualities, Gemini will judge a person by the way they treat them. This can lead Gemini to have wrong impressions of people and can cause problems ion relationships. Gemini's can have feeling of discouragement and moodiness although they never allow this to be seen by anyone but heir closest friends or family. Gemini usually want everyone to think that they are always happy and doing wonderfully and stress never affects them.

Gemini in a Nutshell:

Gemini people are many sided, quick both in the mind and physically. They are brimming with energy and vitality, they are clever with words. They are intelligent and very adaptable to every situation and every person. Gemini are curious and always want to know what's going on in the world around them. They are not one to sit back and watch the world go by, they want to be involved. This can sometimes make Gemini nosy, they do not mind their own business! This is because they really enjoy communicating, more so then most other astrology signs, they are the ultimate social butterfly. Gemini can talk and talk, but they have interesting things to say, their talk is not mindless babble. They have interesting opinions and thoughts on things and are not afraid to speak their mind. They are always in the know and are the one to see for the latest juicy gossip. Lacking perseverance, Gemini easily goes off topic to explore another thought or idea. Gemini are superficial, they will form opinions on matter without diving into them and exploring them fully. This can lead them into thinking they know everything, which they usually do but their mind is too busy to be concerned with fine details. Routine and boredom are Gemini's biggest fears. Gemini would rather be naive then know the depressing truth, they do not want anything putting a damper on their freedom or positive energy.

Gemini Love, Sex and Relationships

What it's like to date a Gemini Woman:

The Gemini woman is truly enchanting. However, dating her might feel more like a friendship then a real relationship due to her casual nature. This is not necessarily a disadvantage, for the casual man who shy's away from overly romantic emotions, she is the perfect woman. Since she is the astrology sign of the duality, she offers quite the challenge. One one hand, she needs to be nurtured, loved and catered to and on the other hand, she needs stimulation and novelty. She is very demanding and if you do not provide what she wants, she will be off onto the next adventure pretty quickly. To keep her interested is a challenge, not completely impossible so she is the perfect woman for the man who likes stimulation and a challenge. She needs a partner with a quick mind, she tends to poke and prod at the emotions and the minds of those who are mentally slower then her, make sure you can keep up to her wit or you will briskly be left behind. She is prone to keeping men on a string, not completely heartlessly, she is evaluating if the man is worth her attention and her time she has no time to waste with a dull man. Once you have her approval, she can easily become jealous. The reason for her is jealousy is that if she is going to open up to a man, when she rarely completely opens up to anyone, she does not want to risk her being deceived or hurt. If you are with a Gemini woman and she becomes jealous, you are on the right track to true love! Gemini women are so exciting that they are worth the effort, you will remember her forever!

What it's like to date a Gemini Man:

He is a great date - charming, witty, funny, clever, talkative, creative, adventurous, just make sure you can keep up with him! Women are drawn to Gemini men because of their zest for life and their vitality and enthusiasm. You may have competition to if you are trying to win his heart. Do not expect to win him and keep him all to yourself. He is flighty and dictates his own,. He will not allow himself to be pinned down and ruled by a woman. You are going to be his sidekick, not his passionate lover. He loves women and is very good at persuading them and manipulating them with his cleverness getting them into bed, he will say anything to get what he wants. He is the master of seduction. If you are looking for a great fling, the gemini man is your top choice.

How To Attract Gemini:

Love to talk, that is the first rule about impressing a Gemini. Be knowledgeable about that you talk about too because Gemini are intelligent and have lots of knowledge about many things. If you are an expert on a certain topic, teach them about it, you will impress them because this know-it-all sign is does not usually know fine details about a lot of things, they are too busy to bother to learn. Speak your mind, engage them in a friendly debate but never be too conservative, they find this dull. Be honest and loyal to a Gemini, once they have had their trust broken they usually will never get it back again. Gemini are easy to date, they will do any activity anywhere. Just have fun, like you would with a friends because that's what Gemini are, a great friend.

Gemini Erogenous Zone:

Gemini's hot spots are the hands and arms. These are very sensitive regions and are very receptive a massage and a gentle touch or stroke. This also calms the high-strung Gemini and relaxes them, setting the mood for passion. Gemini's usually love their finger being sucked or nibbled, a great integration into foreplay that will heighten the mood. Gemini women love it when a man grabs their hand and kisses it, like a princess.

Sex With Gemini:

Gemini loves to experiment and sex with a Gemini is full of novelty and excitement, trying anything and everything nearly anywhere. Gemini is not for the faint of heart or the shy and secretive lovers!

Planets in Gemini Interpretations

Sun in Gemini

Clever, social and communicative, your general approach to life is light hearted. You can be somewhat hard to pin down because you have a wonderful natural curiosity about life. You prefer to know at least a little bit about everything. The restless nature of Gemini is quite conducive to your preference for a wide variety of experiences and mental pursuits. Geminis often won't take a particular subject into great depth, but for you, just having a taste of the smorgasbord that life offers is enough to satisfy.

Moon in Gemini

You probably have a higher need than most for mental stimulation and a variety of interests and things to do. You may find it difficult to sit still for long lengths of time and you can wear yourself down burning up nervous energy. This can be a restless placement for the Moon. It makes you quite changeable and very responsive to whatever is going on in the immediate environment.

Mercury in Gemini

Mercury functions very well in Gemini. This placement of the thinking/talking planet makes you curious and clever with fascinating bits of information about a wide variety of subjects. You learn easily and you have a never-ending curiosity about life. You love talking about whatever is going on currently, especially within your immediate environment. Your mind is logical and you possess a quick wit.

Venus in Gemini

Friendly, social and verbally charming, you love light-hearted conversation and a variety of social contacts. Geminis' love of variety has given this placement a reputation for fickleness. See how a butterfly flits from flower to flower? That's often the Venus in Gemini approach. Your genuine interest in other people makes you seem to be flirtatious to those who don't understand your need for social contact.

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini makes you resourceful, adventuresome and capable of quick action when necessary. Your coordination is generally fairly well developed. Mars is an active planet in the "hard to pin down" sign of Gemini, resulting in episodes of restlessness and impatience which can become challenges to overcome.

Jupiter in Gemini

Benefits come through intellectual expansion, expressing yourself and making your ideas known. Writing and journalism can also become satisfactory avenues of expression for you. Your mind is exceptionally curious and you are able to converse with almost anyone about anything. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to pursue all of your varied interests.

Saturn in Gemini

Logical thinking is your strong point. You know how to apply the art of logical analysis in order to solve problems. This placement supports any endeavors where a systematic scientific approach is required. Sometimes verbalizing what you know may seem like a challenge to you. On the other hand, it is easy for you to key in on the inconsistencies in other people's points of view and you can develop the ability to be quite formidable in a debate

Uranus in Gemini

Uranus was in the sign of Gemini for seven years. This means that you are part of a large group of people who will share many of the same fundamental characteristics such as the ability to be an original thinker, being generally tolerant and avidly seeking new experiences and ideas. This group will make advances in anything related to communications and transportation.
When you read your individual house placement for Uranus, you will be able to see where these traits will express themselves on a more personal basis.

Neptune in Gemini

Because Neptune stays in the same sign about fourteen years, there are many other people who will experience the same things that this placement brings to varying degrees. Some of these include: inspired literary achievements, a boundless curiosity toward new ideas and an interest in psychology.
Your house position will show where Neptune affects your life on an individual basis.

Pluto in Gemini

Pluto is the slowest moving planet and thus is recognized as exerting a generational influence as it moves through each zodiac sign.
With Pluto in Gemini you're part of the generation that can experience radical changes in the areas of communication, transportation and education. On a personal level, those with Pluto in Gemini tend to be outspoken, open-minded, inventive and on the move.
Read the house placement for Pluto in your chart. It shows you an area of life where this planet has a more personal influence.

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